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Hood Cleaning Services | Cleaning Commercial Kitchen Hood | Grease Management | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

Grease Management Tips for Restaurant Cleanliness & Fire Prevention

Grease is one of those things that can harm your restaurant. No, not the musical. We’re talking about food-related grease, the hot liquid and cold solid material that can clog your drains and cause flames to rage out of control.  The fact is, grease buildup is one of the top hazards that can affect restaurants and other commercial kitchen establishments everywhere. If you have accumulated grease, it’s only a matter of time before you face the trouble of your own. There is hope, however. Excess grease can be prevented once you know the proper steps to follow.  Here is all you need to know about this food waste material and how to avoid expensive fines, closures due to fire, as well as bodily injury and death that can all be caused by the buildup of grease. 

Hazards of Indoor Grease Buildup 

The average restaurant produces copious amounts of waste in the form of grease on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. While it’s easy to let grease management fall by the wayside, especially as you deal with all the stress that comes with running a busy restaurant, forgoing the grease cleanup is a mistake. These are some of the issues you are likely to run into if you allow the grease to pile up out of control. 

– Enhanced Risk of Bodily Harm

Grease can easily find its way onto your tile floor. When that happens, watch out. Employees can slip and slide and even fall down, leading to an expensive liability issue. OSHA regulations for restaurant safety require you, as the restaurant owner or manager, to create a safe working environment that is free of hazards like the accumulation of grease that could then go on to cause injury or death.  If an employee is injured on your greasy floor, all that person has to do is file a complaint with OSHA while claiming damages. Do you really want that expense or knowledge that you could have prevented the employee’s injury by cleaning up all the grease? The lesson? Keep the floors and entire establishment grease-free to prevent injuries and future lawsuits.

Plumbing Backups

While it’s true that grease becomes liquid during the cooking process, the substance hardens when it cools. Before you know it, you have a gelatinous mess on your hands. If that mess finds its way into your plumbing system, you face a heavy clog. To make matters worse, when your business’s plumbing is affected, the problem could go on to clog the local sewer system, causing a stinky mess that isn’t easy to clean. Unless you want number two all over your commercial kitchen and dining areas, cleaning grease buildup should become your number one priority.

FOG Fees

Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) should all be disposed of properly. FOG programs around the country exist to monitor restaurants and other food establishments for the purposes of ensuring sanitary conditions and the appropriate disposal of FOG. These programs also require you to properly service and maintain all Grease Management removal equipment.  If you don’t comply, you could be hit with expensive FOG build up fees.

Environmental Damage

You might wonder how to grease buildup inside your business could possibly be an environmental concern. However, the cost to the local ecosystem becomes clearer when you consider the following. Your standard rooftop grease collector maintains about four quarts of grease. Your kitchen exhaust hood sends about a quart of grease to the rooftop collector each month. If you only change out the grease pad every year when the inspector comes around, you could find yourself dumping around eight quarts of grease onto your roof each year. The moment it rains, all that grease could flow off your roof and into your rain gutters, subsequently finding itself into your storm drain, and then into the streams and rivers. All that grease can quickly go on to kill plants, fish, and other wildlife.  Keep the environment clean by keeping your restaurant free of excess grease. 

EPA Penalties 

The unauthorized discharge of grease-tainted stormwater is against the law. You could be subject to fines from the Environmental Protection Agency if you don’t keep up with the buildup of grease in your rooftop collection system. 

Foul Odors

The longer grease remains in your kitchen, the worse it’s going to smell. Your goal is to keep a clean and pleasant-smelling environment for your customers to enjoy a meal. Having an unpleasant odor wafting from your kitchen isn’t going to cut it and could lead to declining business and negative reviews.  Keep your restaurant smelling like the delicious meals you serve by keeping excess grease at bay.


Lingering grease can attract mice, rats, drain flies, roaches, and other nasty vermin.  The fact is, a buildup of heavy grease is a serious sanitation issue.

 Increased Fire Risk

Aside from cleanliness, the heightened fire risk is by far the most important reason for Grease Management in your commercial kitchen. Grease is highly flammable. When it builds up, the risk of dangerous fire significantly increases. When a fire ignites, you face restaurant damage and injury, or even loss of life. The financial drain on your business could be enormous, not to mention the emotional toll on customers and staff. Your reputation could be harmed, and your bottom line could be affected for months, if not years, into the future.  Keep the risk of fire at an absolute minimum by cleaning the grease inside your establishment on a regular basis. 

The Step by Step Guide to Cleaning Excess Grease Buildup 

You now have plenty of reasons to maintain a grease-free environment for customers and staff. Here are a few steps to follow to ensure that happens now and in the future. 

Clean Your Grease Traps

Your kitchen’s grease trap doesn’t just catch grease, but it also catches oil and fat. Remember FOG? Oh yeah, your grease trap’s full of it. It’s up to you to empty it out every once in a while. If you fail to clean the trap, all that grease can find its way into the local sewer, and we’re right back to a sewer backup.  You can clean a grease trap on your own. You can even get your staff to do the job for you. However, only a professional can ensure that the grease trap is opened, cleaned, serviced, maintained, and sealed properly. A wrong move can leave a grease trap that isn’t properly cleaned or that isn’t well-maintained, giving you problems sooner or later.  Most grease traps have to be opened carefully, with specialized tools so that you don’t break the gaskets. All that gunk needs to be removed and then properly disposed of. You can’t just dump all that FOG down the drain, nor should you toss it into the garbage. You can get fined for that, which is another case for getting professionals to do the job on your behalf. Professionals can also repair parts and replace them as needed, making sure your FOG excess is always collected and that all the waste in the local sewer system stays right where it belongs.

How Often Should Grease Traps Be Cleaned?

Your restaurant’s grease trap cleaning frequency will vary depending on the size of your trap and the amount of grease your staff use in your kitchen. Most cities require restaurants to clean the trap so that they maintain less than 25% FOG accumulation. For most establishments, this equates to a thorough cleaning at least once per quarter and sometimes as frequently as once per month. 

Grease Trap Buildup Warning Signs

You should be aware of indicators that can tell you when your grease trap should be cleaned and/or maintained. One warning sign to look for is a drain system that doesn’t go down as fast. Backed up drains are almost a sure sign that there is too much grease in your trap.  Another warning sign is a strong and foul odor. FOG waste produces an extremely unpleasant odor after sitting stagnant for extended periods of time. You need to ensure you remove them frequently. Cleaning grease traps properly, and having professionals do the job, will prevent these foul odors from accumulating inside your restaurant.  Finally, if your sewers are backing up, that could be an indication that your grease trap is full and needs to be cleaned out. 

Vent Hood Cleaning

A dirty ventilation hood can be a major fire hazard. You can also get fined by your health inspector for having blocked or soiled ventilation components. Your staff should be engaging in nightly, weekly, and monthly cleaning duties. One of those duties is likely the cleaning of the grease filters on the vent hoods. But how well is your staff inspecting the hoods to ensure they are free of all grease and debris? You can maintain the cleanest vent hoods and keep the health inspector happy with regular vent hood cleaning by experienced professionals. A vent hood cleaning service will ensure that every inch of your unit is clean and well-maintained. Most importantly, the service will keep you code-compliant. Those codes exist to keep your restaurant, personnel, and customers safe from foul smoke and dangerous fire. For those reasons and more, you will sleep easier knowing that your vent hoods are cleaned by those who know the value of cleaner and more breathable air. 

Cooking Oil Pickup 

It’s not just grease you have to worry about. You also should think about any cooking oil your kitchen is producing to excess. It can be dangerous to leave used cooking oil just hanging around. Talk about a fire hazard! A single spark can pose a dangerous situation to your building, staff, and loyal customers. For this reason, ensure that you are removing used cooking oil on your premises and that you are following all local rules and regulations while doing so. You can ensure that your restaurant follows the law by calling on certified professionals who regularly work with FOG related removal. Removing used cooking oil doesn’t have to be a messy job. In fact, professional services exist whose reputation depends on fast, clean, and courteous pickups of all types of substances, including used oil and grease. 

Clean Your Kitchen Floors

Grease doesn’t have to spill in a puddle to cause a fire or slip hazard. Grease can accumulate on your kitchen floors for a long time. This results in a sheet of grease that must be removed if you hope to leave your restaurant safe for staff and customers alike. Your kitchen floors are especially susceptible to grease buildup after the grease trap has been cleaned and maintained.  While your staff is undoubtedly keeping your floors somewhat cleaned with their nightly sanitation duties, professional cleaning on a regular basis can give you much better peace of mind. Professional floor cleaners use powerful degreasing agents. They also use heavy duty machines like floor scrubbers and carpet steamers. Removing grease can be done with your wait and kitchen staff, but professional services will make sure your floors are always cleaned to your satisfaction.

Now, For Major Grease No-Nos

So far, we have covered steps you can do to keep grease buildup from becoming a problem. Now we are going to discuss a couple of things you should never do to keep your restaurant clean and free from grease buildup.

No Pouring Grease Down the Drains!

Everyone in your kitchen should know that you should never pour grease down the drain directly. However, you are essentially doing that very thing when you allow food waste of any kind to grace your drain system. All waste should be disposed of properly, in the garbage bin, particularly solid food waste. Don’t rely on garbage disposals and always empty your drain strainers.  The goal of your kitchen staff should be to minimize at all costs the amount of food that sneaks into the grease trap.

Don’t Leave Outdoor Oil Storage Containers Unsecured

If you recycle cooking oil and leave that oil stored in outdoor containers, make sure they are always properly secured. These containers should always be locked away and maintained so that they are far from wastewater systems. These protocols ensure that the grease and oils never enter the natural environment. Locking the containers also keeps thieves from stealing and selling your used oil and build-up grease. 

Don’t Let the Grease Buildup Get Out of Hand 

You now know the damage that can be done to your restaurant if you allow grease and FOG altogether to accumulate to excess. The restaurant cleaning professionals at APS-Hoods want to talk to you if you have heavy amounts of grease and wish to make your establishment cleaner and safer for everyone involved.  Your staff and customers deserve an environment that is sanitary and that prevents slips, falls, and deadly fires. Let us provide you with a free quote and we can ensure your grease stays at a minimum for maximum health and safety. Call now in Denver, Colorado

Some Related Postes:

What Do Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Services Entail?

Do You Have a Smoky Kitchen? We Have the Perfect Solutions.

Signs Your Vent Hood Fans Need Cleaning and/or Replacement

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    Grease Management
    Restaurant Cleaning Instructions | Restaurant Cleaning Instructions |commercial kitchen cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

    Restaurant Cleaning Instructions and Checklists for a Happier Health Inspector

    Restaurant Cleaning Instructions – Denver, CO: Restaurant cleaning is no easy feat. Even on a slow day, crumbs could find their way into the carpet, a little grease could get splashed onto the walls, and the bathrooms could end up looking like a war zone.

    That’s not even mentioning all the places there are to clean in your average restaurant. The floors, walls, ceilings, kitchen, bathrooms, and other areas will need to be scrubbed thoroughly. Because you know what happens if you don’t engage in the necessary cleaning. Your health inspector could become displeased.

    No restaurant owner wants an unhappy health inspector. You could face foul marks that could make their way to the news, and you could be levied with fines or even be forced to shut your establishment down.

    Let’s prevent any of that from happening, shall we? Here are some steps to take to ensure that the health inspector always gives you rave reviews for every future inspection. 

    Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate


    Restaurant Cleaning 101

    Most restaurants have their staff clean the floors, tables, and kitchen on a nightly basis. Doing so prevents rodents and insects from becoming guests of your establishment and makes the place nice and presentable for the next wave of customers. 

    However, sweeping and vacuuming the floors and wiping down the tables, even giving the kitchen a complete scrub-down is inadequate at best for keeping your restaurant clean. For a more thorough job, you should consider hiring a restaurant janitorial company. 

    Advantages of Restaurant Cleaning by Professional Janitors

    You may think you are saving money by having your staff do all the cleaning, but restaurants who choose to hire janitors get to enjoy the following benefits.

    Safe & Sanitary Environment

    Your staff may not have the training or experience to get all the grease off the floors, which can lead to slips and falls. If your staff misses some crumbs in the corner or fail to get the hidden grease off the walls, you could be inviting roaches, rats, and dangerous microbes into your restaurant. 
    Learn more about: Restaurant Kitchen Deep Clean: How Long Will the Kitchen be Down and is It Worth It?

    Professional janitors make your restaurant safer for staff and customers and will sterilize your environment to make it unappealing to pests while simultaneously making your restaurant inviting to customers. 

    Health Code Compliance

    Most local health codes require you to get your restaurant professionally cleaned on a regular basis. This is necessary for safety and sanitation, which we have mentioned, but it’s also a good idea if you want to serve excellent food that won’t make your customers sick.

    They Can Clean Hard to Reach Places

    Professional janitors can clean the walls, floors, ceiling tiles, and every other area of your restaurant. They don’t cut corners like staff might when they’re trying to get off early. Janitors will clean in the corners and in every nook and cranny to ensure a complete restaurant cleaning job.

    Complete Restaurant Cleaning Checklist

    Keeping the Back of House Clean

    When we talk about “back of house” we are referring to the kitchen and other areas that customers aren’t readily exposed to. 

    Daily Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning

    • Clean the fryers until every remnant of food or grease is gone.
    • Sanitize all food preparation surfaces, including the cutting boards.
    • Brush and scour the grills until all the crusty gunk is removed.
    • Empty the trash cans and wipe them down with a damp rag and antimicrobial soap.
    • Take all the rags to the laundry to be professionally cleaned (unless you do this in-house).
    • Launder all the chef’s aprons and coats while you’re at it. 
    • Sanitize the meat and cheese slicers. 
    • Make sure all refrigerated food items are kept in air-tight containers and properly labeled.
    • Sweep and mop all floors, including the walk-in cooler and freezer.
    • Wipe down the outside of the ice machine.
    • Clean the grease traps. 
    • Clean the ventilation hood filters by running them through the dishwasher. 
    • Replace the tin foil liners on the grills and ranges.
    • Empty all the trash and recyclables. 
    • Wash the floor mats.
    • Empty and clean the steam tables. 
    • Sanitize the sinks, faucets, and soda dispensers.
    • Properly dispose of all grease and oil.

    Weekly Kitchen Cleaning

    • Clean the ovens by adhering to the manufacturer’s instructions. 
    • Empty, clean, and sanitize the walk-in cooler. 
    • Clean the coffee machines. 
    • Wash the walls. 

    Monthly Kitchen Cleaning

    • Wash behind the fryers, flat tops, stoves, and oven. 
    • Remove all built-up grease, which can become a fire hazard.
    • Empty and clean the walk-in freezer.
    • Empty the ice bin, then clean and sanitize the inside. 
    • Wash the ceiling tiles.
    • Check the equipment: Are the knives sharp? Is the thermometer calibrated?
    • Check the entire restaurant for signs of pests and rodents. If you notice droppings or other signs, call pest control immediately!

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      Keeping the Front of House Clean

      The front of the house includes all the areas staff may come into contact with, including your entrance, dining areas, bar, and others.

      Daily Restaurant Cleaning

      • Wash every surface of the restaurant (walls, floors, ceilings, countertops, bar, tabletops, chairs, and booths) with clean and sanitized rags. 
      • Clean and sanitize the restrooms (you should also check them multiple times per shift and clean them as necessary).
      • Sweep and mop the floors.
      • Wipe down the condiment dispensers.
      • Check the menus for cleanliness and wipe them down as needed.

      Weekly Restaurant Cleaning

      • Dust the blinds, ceiling fans, walls, picture frames, and anywhere else dust has gathered. 
      • Clean the table and chair legs.
      • Wipe down the baseboards.

      Restaurant Ceiling Cleaning

      Even though the ceiling tiles are way up high doesn’t mean they can’t become caked with grease and other contaminants. The fact is, the ceiling is positioned above everything, including your cooking appliances. That means that everyday food is being cooked and prepared, and your ceiling tiles are absorbing everything, from fumes and oil to grease and odors. 

      Failing to clean your ceiling tiles can make your entire restaurant look old and dingy. On extreme bases, the ceiling tiles can begin to negatively affect the air quality of your restaurant, leading to a fire hazard and failed health inspections. 

      Whether you have your staff clean the tiles or you hire a professional janitorial service, make sure the following steps are performed. Missing even a single step can leave your restaurant susceptible to disaster, and you may end up turning off your customers. 

      Cover Everything in the Kitchen

      Cleaning the ceiling tiles means that all those contaminants are going to come raining down on your tables, floors, cooking appliances, and everything else. Therefore, make sure you cover everything down below with plastic tarps or drop cloths. You can also use old sheets or butcher paper. While you’re at it, cover your eyes with protective eyewear before the cleaning begins. 

      Remove the Tiles

      If your restaurant sports a drop ceiling or suspended ceiling tiles, you will first want to remove all the tiles from along the ceiling grid. Use a shop vac and clean all the areas that aren’t readily available, like the vents, corners, and light fixtures. If your shop vac has a dusting attachment, use it to get into the nooks and crannies. If the tiles are excessively filthy, alternate between vacuuming and dusting until the tiles look clean. 

      Whatever you do, don’t use disposable dusting cloths on ceiling tiles, as they will snag and tend to leave behind fibers. These fibers, in turn, will catch and attract additional dust and dirt. Use rags or towels instead. 

      Clean the Commercial Ceiling Tiles

      With the dusting complete, you will next want to wash the tiles using a mixture of ten parts water and one-part dishwashing liquid. Next, use a wet sweeper to swab the tile’s surface. Don’t over-wet the tiles, as you can warp them or cause water damage. Make sure you wring your sweeper out before applying it to the tiles to avoid any water mishaps. 

      Instructions for Cleaning Permanent Ceiling Tiles

      If you are tasked with cleaning restaurant tiles that are permanently set into the ceiling, use a static duster to first eradicate any loose dirt. From there, use the shop vac to get to all the hard to reach places, then use a wet sweeper dampened in the same dishwashing solution directly onto the ceiling tiles. Don’t get the sweeper too wet so that it doesn’t drip and cause a mess.

      Finally, use a lint-free cloth to get the ceiling tiles as dry as possible. 

      Call Aps-Hoods Now!

      Restaurant Fire Cleaning

      The above advice is for standard restaurant cleaning, but what happens when the fire has reared its ugly head? Whether you suffered a small fire, or your restaurant has been gutted, there are strict protocols in place for how your restaurant should be cleaned.

      Cleaning and Removing Smoke Odor

      After a fire, your entire establishment could end up smelling like a giant ashtray. The first course of action is to give your restaurant a thorough scrubbing while eradicating the foul stench of acrid smoke.

      Cleaning the Walls, Furniture, and Floors

      To remove soot and smoke from surfaces like walls and floors, and from your furniture, use a mild soap or detergent. You can also mix four to six tablespoons of tri-sodium phosphate and one cup of household cleaner or chlorine bleach to every gallon of warm water. Always wear rubber gloves when cleaning up after a fire and be sure to rinse all the surfaces afterward with clear warm water before drying thoroughly.

      Wash the walls one small area at a time. The best technique is to work from the floor up while taking care to prevent streaking. Rinse with clear water immediately after washing. 

      You should always wash the ceilings last. If you are considering repainting, only do so after the walls and ceilings are completely clean and dry. You can further reduce the chances of mold growth and mildew by wiping down all the surfaces with a solution comprised of one cup of bleach to a gallon of water. Always test the solution on small areas first to prevent unnecessary discoloring. 

      If you have drywall or insulation that was soaked by water from sprinklers or fire hoses, you should consult with a professional for assistance. You cannot dry these areas out and reuse them, as mold and mildew can result. The areas will have to be replaced completely by a professional before your restaurant can reopen. 

      Commercial Kitchen Fire Cleaning

      Wash all the appliances and pots, pans, and utensils with soapy water. Then, rinse them down before polishing them. They can also be run through the dishwasher. 

      If any food or other items were damaged, they must be removed from the premises immediately, preferably before cleaning is conducted.

      If your business is closed for renovation or repairs, your establishment will need to be reviewed and inspected by local authorities before you can reopen for business. This is why it is critical that you hire a fire restoration and cleanup service so you’re not handling everything on your own. A service can make sure all steps are completed for a faster and more efficient reopening. 
      Learn more about: Restaurant Kitchen Deep Cleaning Checklist for Commercial Operations in Denver, CO

      Construction Cleaning

      There is one more aspect of cleaning a restaurant that we haven’t discussed, and that’s to clean up after new construction or a renovation project. Whether you recently built your establishment, or you remodeled it, you likely have a big mess on your hands. 

      Post-Construction Cleanup Checklist

      • Sweep and vacuum all the surfaces, including all the ceilings and walls.
      • Sweep, mop, and disinfect the floors.
      • Vacuum the upholstery. 
      • Wipe down the doors, knobs, baseboards, moldings, and hardware. 
      • Give a thorough wipe-down and sanitization of the bathrooms and kitchens, including the appliances, cabinets, and counters. 
      • Dust and wipe down all the window interiors, including the sills and frames. 
      • Dust the air ducts, grates, vents, ceiling fans, blinds, and lighting fixtures.
      • Clean hardware such as hinges and handles and clean the outside of all shelves and cabinets.
      • Cleaning inside all cabinets is essential.
      • You have to clean the inside of the cupboards.
      • Remove all trash and debris (though your construction contractor should have removed this already as part of your contract).


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      The Definitive Guide to Restaurant Facility Cleaning

      Signs Your Vent Hood Fans Need Cleaning and/or Replacement

      What Do Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Services Entail?


      Why Not Trust the Restaurant Cleaning to the Experts?

      Instead of putting your staff to work on these really tough jobs, call APS-Hoods in Denver, Colorado instead. We can perform restaurant cleaning, kitchen cleaning, fire cleaning, and construction cleaning. Not only will you have less stress, but you can keep the health inspector happy, preventing fines and potential shutdowns. 

      Call today for a free estimate and let APS-Hoods make your restaurant the cleanest in town.

      restaurant equipment

      10 tips to how often restaurant equipment should be cleaned or serviced

      Restaurant Equipment – Denver, CO: Commercial kitchen restaurants should be cleaned and inspected regularly, which includes appliances. For best results, a schedule should be devised so that all stoves, fridges, deep fryers, ovens, and ventilation hoods are assessed for defects and damages. Those appliances should also be put on a regular cleaning schedule. This keeps your commercial kitchen operating as it should, no matter how busy you get. All it takes is for one component to shutting down or malfunction and you could have a big and expensive mess on your hands.  Restaurants that have a plan in place for repairs, for example, tend to spend half as much as other restaurant owners who don’t plan ahead.  To help you save, we’ve devised a list of ten things to think about when determining how often to maintain and clean your commercial kitchen appliances.

      1- Make Cleaning a Priority 

      If your commercial kitchen isn’t cleaned adequately, your staff could get sick, customers could fall ill, and pests could pose as unwanted guests. While your staff may do most of your cleaning, especially during their night closing duties, it is very easy to forget about cleaning a deep fryer or meat slicer.  For this, we recommend hiring a professional commercial kitchen company like APS-Hoods, which can ensure every appliance is adequately cleaned for bacteria and virus removal. And so that you can remain in the health inspector’s good graces. 

      2- Consider Periodic Cleaning

      Monthly cleaning would ensure that your kitchen appliances always remain sanitized for when the health inspector rolls through. Even quarterly deep cleaning services can keep grease from building up and appliances from getting too overloaded to work efficiently. At most, you should schedule a professional appliance cleaning service to come once yearly, as doing so will keep your restaurant and all your appliances in tip-top shape. 

      3- Hire a Cleaning Staff to Assess Appliance Damage & Defects

      If you manage to hire a commercial kitchen appliance cleaning company, have that same company check your equipment for any and all problems. A wire that appears frayed on a vent hood fan, for instance, could cause acrid smoke to fill your restaurant, which can, in turn, taint your food and put your customers off. By having your cleaning crew also provide regular inspections, you can keep your appliance maintenance ongoing while saving money on costly repairs.  

      4- Wipe Down Your Appliances Nightly 

      All of your kitchen equipment should be wiped down inside and outside. Make sure you use a powerful degreaser that cuts down on any films left behind. Any amount of grease can cause a fire, so pay special attention to your ventilation hoods and other components that tend to collect grease over time.  Make sure you get up any moisture around the sinks and faucets by using a soft, dry rag, as that will prevent rust from collecting on your kitchen appliances. While you’re at it, unassembled your beverage machine faucets and soak them to prevent buildup. Finally, make sure you get up any grease from off the floor. While this isn’t technically appliance cleanup, it can also help prevent deadly fires.

      5- Check All Equipment Monthly

      Every month, you and your staff should check the refrigerators and freezers for cold air leaks, as well as cracks or punctures. You will also want to check your refrigerators, as well as your ovens, for any cracks or leaks. Check the hinges on your cooler and freezer doors, as well as your ovens, and test the suction on your ventilation hoods to ensure they are pulling the right amount of bad air out of your kitchen.  While you’re at it, ensure you clean all the fan blades, including your make-up air fans, vent fans, and any others your restaurant employs. A commercial kitchen can use tons of fans, and each one should be cleaned and inspected at least monthly to ensure all components are working as they should.

      6- Outsource Your Restaurant Equipment Maintenance & Repairs 

      At least once a quarter, we recommend hiring a company like APS-Hoods to come to your restaurant and inspect your vent hoods, ovens, refrigerators, and all other commercial kitchen equipment. This inspection will check your components for wear, which can be an indication that they may need to be replaced. Regular maintenance of your equipment will extend its life, but sometimes replacements do become necessary. A professional commercial kitchen cleaning and repair service like APS-Hoods can ensure you are always notified when equipment is faulty and needs to be switched out with the latest brand.

      7- Schedule Service & Repair at Least Every Two Years

      If you don’t opt for monthly or quarterly commercial kitchen equipment cleaning and maintenance, consider having a service arrive on your property at least every two years. This check can be as thorough as you prefer, including inspecting all your HVAC systems and ducting to ensure it’s free of grease and debris, as well as taking apart your ice makers and cleaning every internal component. These checks, once again, can save you loads in future replacement costs. 

      8- Get Replacements Based on Professional Recommendations

      For a restaurant that runs optimally, you never want to base your equipment replacements on the look of an appliance or the cost. Instead, get a professional’s opinion based on your kitchen layout, your normal levels of business, and other important factors. 

      9- Replace Your Ventilation System Exhaust Belt Each Year

      So that your commercial kitchen is always clean and fresh smelling, ensure you change out the exhaust belts of your ventilation system every year. This is a minor investment that can save you loads in the future.

      10- Call APS-Hoods for Regular Equipment Maintenance & Repairs

      If you operate a commercial kitchen, you may not know where to turn for monthly, quarterly, or annual cleaning and maintenance of all your appliances. Aps-Hoods is the qualified leader in commercial kitchen cleaning and repairs, and we serve both Denver, Colorado, for your convenience. Call now to schedule a free consultation.

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        restaurant equipment
        Hood Cleaning Services | Cleaning Commercial Kitchen Hood | Grease Management | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

        10 Things to Look for When Searching for Professional Hood Cleaning Services

        Some business owners avoid searching for professional hood cleaning services because they feel their staff can perform the task better. However, if you truly want to protect your restaurant, and your time and financial investments, you owe it to yourself to hire professionals who can deliver the training, experience, and proper tools to do a thorough and inspection-passing job. There are quite a few reasons why you would be better off searching for restaurant hood cleaning services rather than let your staff perform all the cleaning for you.

        Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.

        The Importance of Restaurant Hood Cleaning Services

        Greater Health Standards: Professional hood cleaners know that you face fire and health inspections and that you’ll be fined heavily if your restaurant isn’t kept up to code. With spotless ventilation hoods, your restaurant will be seen by inspectors and customers alike as having one of the cleanest restaurants in town.

        Diminished Risk of Fire:

        Ventilation hoods can quickly accumulate oil, grease, and other contaminants. That sludge coating may look harmless, but all it takes is a spark to put your restaurant, staff, and customers in grave danger. Professional vent hood cleaning services are designed to keep your vent hoods free of all fire-causing substances, protecting your business and everyone inside.

        Better Air Quality:

        The job of your ventilation hood system is to scrub the air of impurities and to provide your staff and customers with clean, breathable air that all good restaurants are known for. When all that oil, grease, soot, and other contaminants are left to accumulate, those particles can get trapped in your HVAC and make-up air systems, filling your restaurant with foul odors and harmful air. Professional vent hood cleaners will ensure your air is always clean and pleasant to breathe for staff and customers alike.

        Remain Fire & Health Code Compliant:

        Every restaurant faces regular fire and health code inspections. A single violation could cause your business to face heavy fines or even a shut-down until any issues are corrected. Filthy vent hoods are one of those aspects of restaurant safety inspections that can send up major red flags. Dirty air and fire are certainly major risks of an unclean vent hood, but there is also a potential risk of dirty particles getting into your customers’ food. Professional vent hood cleaning services are in the business of making sure you pass all NFPA and health code standard inspections.

        More Energy Savings:

        Cleaner vent hoods don’t have to work as hard to replace the air in your commercial kitchen environment. This means that your HVAC system and make-up air systems will have an easier time maintaining a healthy environment for staff and customers. When you hire professionals to clean your vent hoods, you’ll begin to notice a decrease in your monthly energy bills. Find the right service, and before long your vent hood cleaning services may just pay for themselves.

        A Cleaner Working & Dining Environment:

        Every commercial kitchen is going to get some grease and grime on their vent hoods. By remaining vigilant with regular cleaning, however, you can ensure that your staff and customers both have an environment they’ll love to spend time in. To put it simply, hiring professional vent hood cleaning services is simply good for the restaurant business.

        The Qualities All Good Vent Hood Cleaning Services Possess

        You have a lot of choices when it comes to finding the ideal cleaning services to keep your vent hoods in tip-top and spotless condition.

        1. Experienced Technicians

        Vent hood cleaning is not for amateurs, which is another reason why you should never let your staff tackle the job. Technicians who work on ventilation hoods know how to clean the hoods of top brands on the market. Using specialized tools and techniques they’ve honed for years, professionals are able to dig down into the tiniest nooks and crannies where grease, oil, and debris like to hide. Furthermore, professional vent hood cleaning services typically employ technicians who can maintain and repair your equipment. While cleaning a vent hood, a technician may notice that a fan has a defective part, for instance. If that’s the case, the technician should be able to identify the problem and troubleshoot the issue to restore the fan to optimal conditions. Many companies not only provide cleaning services but also vent hood and component repairs. These companies work with top brands and can furnish you with any type of part for quick service done right. You could say that these are all-in-one vent hood services, which is what you want when the protection of your business and the success of your restaurant are always firmly on your mind.

        2. Known for Keeping Clients NFPA Compliant

        When searching for a company for your needs, ask about other restaurants they’ve helped, and make sure those businesses remained compliant with the National Fire Protection Agency. Only restaurants that remain code compliant are able to avoid fees and shut-downs that can cost you big. With referrals from other restaurants around the area, you can ensure that your restaurant will remain compliant long into the future.

        3. Works Around Your Schedule

        Your ventilation hoods can’t be cleaned during your peak hours when your equipment is heated up and flames are active. Instead, a professional service works around your schedule, ensuring that your business operations are never interrupted as your vent hoods are cleaned. A professional vent hood cleaning service will operate when your kitchen is either shut down for the night or during slow periods if you happen to operate 24/7. This ensures your commercial kitchen remains clean and safe, no matter what hours of operation you keep. For the best results, you are encouraged to ask about monthly cleaning services. This keeps your restaurant as clean as possible, even during the busy seasons. The company of your choice should be able to show up and clean without delaying your normal operations or disturbing your staff and customers. Instead, the best vent hood cleaning services will work in the background, doing a thorough job until your entire commercial kitchen cleaned and maintained just as it should be.

        4. Possesses the Necessary Accreditation

        A company worthy of your money will have no problem showing you the proper accreditation certificates that prove the organization is authorized to clean vent hoods in your area. You have put too much time and money into your business to trust your vent hoods to anyone who can’t hold or refuses to possess the proper credentials. Ask for accreditation and get proof before hiring the vent hood cleaning services for your needs.

        5. Provides Photo Documentation

        Not every cleaning service offers photo proof that your vent hoods have been cleaned, but this is a good perk to ask about when searching for a nearby company. The companies that do offer photo proof use this method as a way of going above and beyond, and there are many benefits to having before and after photographs in hand. For one, you get to see just how much grime and gunk were removed from your vent hoods, ducts, and fans. Furthermore, you can show the fire and health inspectors the photographs to prove that proper kitchen cleaning is a priority to your business. For those reasons, it may pay to ask the vent hood cleaners you’re interested in if they offer photo proof, as photographic evidence can help you remain confident that your restaurant kitchen is always as clean as it could be.

        6. Offers Preventative Maintenance

        A good company will know how to check for faulty fan components, frayed wires, and appliances that aren’t working as well as they should. By hiring a vent hood cleaning service that employs experienced technicians, you can ensure that you’re always getting the most out of your vent hoods and all associated components while they’re being cleaned.

        7. Performs a Thorough Job

        Professional vent hood cleaners have their reputation on the line when it comes to doing a thorough job. If only one restaurant owner complains about a service online or off, that could damage the company’s ability to drum up a new business. For that reason, search online reviews and ask other businesses in the area to see which vent hood cleaning services are the best nearby. When you find a company with an observable penchant for helping customers like you, you can remain confident that your vent hoods will be cleaned with precision and that your business investment will always be well protected.

        8. Charges Affordable Fees

        You should be able to have your vent hoods thoroughly cleaned without breaking the bank. Companies that clean vent hoods and other commercial kitchen equipment charge based on a variety of factors. You may be charged based on the number of vent hoods you have, the intricacy of your HVAC and make-up systems, whether or not you also require vent hood maintenance and repairs, and if you have multiple restaurant locations. A company worthy of your business will work with you to ensure you get a fair deal for all hood cleaning services and maintenance, repairs, and whatever other tasks you require.

        9. Has the Proper Hood Cleaning Equipment

        Vent hood cleaning services require heavy-duty tools and powerful chemical solutions in order to cut through all that grease and grime. Examples of equipment that professional hood cleaners might employ include power washers, chemical degreasing solutions, hand-held scrapers, brushes, and others. These tools and chemicals are specially designed to remove pesky grease, oil, and other contaminants to keep your business protected from fires, foul odors, noxious air, and broken equipment, all of which can bring your business to a standstill. Keep your business always operating at its best by finding vent hood cleaning services that deliver the proper tools to perform any sized job.

        10. The Company Guarantees That You’ll Pass Inspection

        When searching for a company to clean your vent hoods, ask the representative if the organization guarantees you a passing score for all fire and health inspections. A company that isn’t certain of their ability to have you pass the necessary inspections is not worthy of your business. On the other hand, if the company promises to help you pass, no matter what, an organization like that may be worthy of your contention. Only when you get a guarantee that your restaurant will receive stellar marks the next time the fire and health inspectors come calling will you be able to find the cleaning crew that’s perfect for your needs.

        Get Vent Hood Cleaning Services by the Best

        If your restaurant operates in Denver, Colorado, we encourage you to contact APS-Hoods, the local leader in commercial kitchen cleaning services. Our vent hood cleaning services, most specifically, are designed to keep your ventilation, ducts, and fans spotless while protecting your business from a dangerous fire. We only employ the most experienced and well-trained cleaning, maintenance, and repair technicians, which means that we not only do a good job, but we also protect your business investment in several key ways. Our professionals clean with precision, ensuring that all nooks and crannies are free of grease, oil, and other debris. We guarantee that you will pass the necessary fire and health code inspections. When inspectors get a glimpse of our thorough work, they’ll have no choice but to deem your business NFPA and health code compliant. Furthermore, we are able to identify issues and troubleshoot the sources to keep your appliances and vent hood equipment consistently operational and at maximum efficiency. This saves you money in energy costs and keeps the air in your restaurant pure for complete staff and customer satisfaction. We are fully accredited to operate in Denver and bring the necessary tools, training, and experience to finish any sized job. For vent hood cleaning services you can always count on, contact APS-Hoods, your local source in Denver, Aurora, Lakewood, Centennial, Colorado for precision hood cleaning done right.

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          Exhaust System Cleaning
          Makeup Air, restaurant construction | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

          Makeup Air and The Importance in Commercial Kitchens | Denver, CO

          Image Source Denver, CO – The same exhaust fans that are keeping your commercial kitchen comfortable and protecting the area from overheating may also be creating air imbalance problems throughout your establishment. Because the size, design, door, and window placement of every building varies, the mechanism by which the atmosphere of your restaurant can best be corrected is most accurately established by an HVAC professional. They can provide what is called a Makeup Air service, which essentially replaces the air lost through hood fans with a special unit, which avoids some of the problems which present themselves when air from other areas of the home or building replace that lost air.

          Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.

          Negative Air Pressure

          If the exhaust fan was not installed/incorrectly installed, or simply, if the makeup air from the fans is not enough to replace the air exiting from the stove area, negative air pressure can occur. Negative air pressure creates a sort of vacuum in your space, where windows and doors can shut suddenly, dust particles can settle fast onto surfaces or food, and whistle-like noises can also persist when air is let out or into space. These are very undesirable conditions for a dining or cooking area because of hygiene reasons as well as the disruption of ambiance this can create.


          With negative air pressure sucking everything back into your space, the gasses that are supposed to be going out from your chimney will actually come back in, creating a health hazard. This can set off carbon monoxide detectors and threaten the safety of your patrons and employees.

          Inefficiencies in Hoods

          The exhaust hood, unaided by the sufficient amount of make-up air, will–in turn–not be able to process the amount of air it was designed to handle. Over time, you will notice a buildup of grease and grime on your kitchen surfaces. Also, unpleasant cooking and other smells will seep into all the space pockets of your building, including the dining areas, where patrons are trying to enjoy their food!

          Higher Energy Expenditures

          Insufficient replacement air in your kitchen will encourage the air from outside to be absorbed inside. This ends up throwing the heating and cooling conditions out of balance when your heater or air conditioner tries to counteract the problem. Your establishment will probably run too hot or too cold at all times, causing freezing or condensation and never really achieving a comfortable state. You, as the restaurant owner will only get a higher energy bill and a big headache trying to figure a way to finally stop this air imbalance problem. However, the problem is one for the professionals with a good diagnostic system that needs to be applied in a customized manner to every restaurant space with the care each one deserves. For help with replacement Makeup Air in your Denver-area commercial kitchen, contact APS Hoods today. © 2018 Millionairium and Farazandeh. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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            HVAC-Makeup Air
            Commercial Hood System | Kitchen Power Cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

            Kitchen Power Cleaning: APS Hoods Explains | Denver, Colorado

            Image Source Kitchen Power Cleaning – Denver, CO: If you own a commercial kitchen for any length of time, chances are– you have probably rented a power washer or have contracted commercial power cleaning professionals. The truth is, this service is almost mandatory, as it not only cosmetically improves the look of your restaurant but also protects your facility from fire and bacteria growth.

            Call Aps-Hoods for a free estimate

            What does commercial kitchen power washing involve?

              Commercial power cleaning involves a powerful machine that appears similar to a large lawnmower with a hose and several tanks. The tanks are filled with steaming hot water and commercial grade cleaning concentrate. This piece of equipment is then taken inside your kitchen to help wash your tiles, walls, floors, hood and anything that has built up a greasy film. The high pressure (4000 psi) combined with extra heavy-duty degreasers cuts through the worst messes. Then, outside your facility, we spray down the areas around your garbage, where stains and spills often cause bacteria growth and foul odors. Our enzymatic solution will eat through these stains, restoring your exterior to a pleasant state that will never embarrass you in front of inspectors or new staff. Even your roof, where grease collected through the vents will benefit from a good power washing.

            Why hire professionals for power washing your restaurant kitchen

              Many local companies in each city rent smaller power washers for use in foodservice businesses. However, not many of them can compare to a larger, commercial machine owned by dedicated power washing companies. Here are the benefits to hiring the pros for your next commercial kitchen power washing job:
              • Stronger pressure in commercial grade machines.
              • No wasted time on a steep learning curve. Proper and effective use of power washers requires your staff to learn special techniques. Cleaning and washing these devices before returning back to the shop is also a job in itself.
              • The detergents available on the general market do not compare in strength to what is sold to professional contractors. Even if you do get your hands on a powerful solution, you must take care that it doesn’t get into the public water and get you in trouble with the city.
              • Not all publicity available washers have the steaming hot water feature necessary to really break down grease, while all professional machines do.
            • Grease disposal: a professional crew can properly discard any oil harvested from your hood and grease filter with no headache for you.
              If you are ready to speak with a representative about restaurant power washing in any of our locations, please call 1(800)842-1583. We provide power washing, hood/vent/duct cleaning, commercial kitchen cleaning, fan servicing and much more in, Denver. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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              Kitchen Power Cleaning
              Restaurant Cleaning Instructions | Restaurant Cleaning Instructions |commercial kitchen cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

              7 Energy Cost “Busters” for Today’s Busy Commercial Kitchens

              Image Source Denver-CO | Busy Commercial Kitchens- The cost of food, equipment, and overhead is enough to cripple many food establishments unless precautions are taken. Restaurant managers should prioritize the lowering of energy costs if the business hopes to remain solvent long into the future. Here are the steps to follow when you want to minimize your energy bills to maximize the success of your commercial kitchen.
              1. Operational Changes:

                Keep track of business day-to-day and look for any lulls where you can turn off equipment, such as keeping one oven operational as opposed to all three, for example. The smallest actions can lead to major savings when it comes time to receive the energy bill.
              2. Low-Cost Retrofits:

                Vent hood professionals can examine your ventilation system to determine if any parts can be retrofitted for major savings. Going off-brand or refurbished can produce the same efficiency as a brand-new name-brand but get a professional’s opinion before any parts are switched out. This isn’t something you want to “wing,” after all.
              3. HVAC Maintenance:

                Your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system accounts for nearly 30% of your overall energy expenses. For that reason, you will want to ensure that all of your system’s components are operating as they should. Regular ventilation cleaning and maintenance can keep your energy costs down and the risk of fire at bay.
              4. Short Pre-Heats:

                Many kitchen managers feel that it’s better to pre-heat early, but this can lead to exorbitant natural gas expenditures. Steam tables, grills, and broilers shouldn’t need to be pre-heated much or at all, and ovens should only need 15 minutes tops, depending on the appliance make, model, and age.
              5. Newer Equipment:

                While the thought of purchasing all new equipment can fill frugal restaurant managers with dread, those appliances will soon pay for themselves. When you consider that most major commercial food equipment is designed to be Energy Star rated, you can save loads by giving those energy-hog components the old heave-ho. The ventilation and commercial kitchen professionals can help you choose the ideal components for the lowest energy fees possible.
              6. Precook Foods:

                Potatoes, chicken, for example, can be cooked in a steamer before they are fried. Steamers are more efficient than fryers, and soon you’ll see the difference on your electric bill.
              7. Proper commercial Kitchen Layout:

                Believe it or not, the way you arrange your kitchen can lead to more significant energy costs. If your ovens are places directly next to your refrigerators, your fridges may have to work twice as hard. For best results and lower energy fees, place all your cooking equipment under a single vent hood and away from all cooling equipment.

              Regular commercial kitchen Maintenance Can Keep Costs Low

              There is one more point that must be made. A clean kitchen in a more efficient and cheaper kitchen. When you consider that grease buildup and grime can jam up your vent hood fans and other ventilation system components, you could be paying more than you should to keep your commercial kitchen operational. Regular cleaning by the ventilation and commercial kitchen system experts can keep your energy costs as low as you need to ensure your commercial kitchen – and overall business – succeeds. To learn more about reducing energy costs for commercial kitchens, contact Aps-Hoods, the commercial kitchen and food truck expert in Orange County, CA and Denver, CO. Get a free quote today! © 2018 Millionairium and Farazandeh. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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                commercial kitchen cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver | Colorado
                Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning | Restaurant Kitchen Deep Clean | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                Restaurant Kitchen Deep Clean: How Long Will the Kitchen be Down and is It Worth It?

                Image Source Denver, CO – Restaurant Kitchen Deep Clean One of the most important, and most overlooked, parts of running a great restaurant is doing a deep clean. While it’s easy to have regular employees do the dishes, wipe the counters, and mop the floors, it’s harder to make time to do the deep cleaning. Deeper cleaning, like cleaning the exhaust hood, ductwork, rooftop exhaust fans, and other appliances, takes a lot more time and effort. This is especially true if you don’t have the proper tools and cleaning products. So what is the cost of professional cleaning and what is the cost of neglecting a deep clean?

                The Cost of Professional Cleaning


                Yes. The kitchen will have to be shut down for a professional deep clean. The stoves and fryers must be turned off to cool and some other appliances will need to be turned off for proper cleaning and for the safety of everyone. Cleaning the exhaust hood and ductwork takes an average of 2-5 hours. It depends on the number of hoods and air fans and how long the ductwork happens to be, as well as how easily accessible everything is. The good news: APS-Hoods service times are 24/7, so you can pick a time that you are already closed or if you are open 24/7, a time that you get the least amount of business so that you aren’t missing out on many sales.

                Cleaning and Servicing Fees

                APS-Hoods offers a number of services beyond just exhaust hood, air fan, and duct cleaning. We also offer:
                • Commercial Kitchen and Appliances Cleaning Don’t just wipe down your surfaces. Have them high pressure and steam cleaned and your stainless steel polished to shine.
                • Ceiling Tile, Wall, And Floor Have your ceiling tile, walls, and/or floor pressure washed, disinfected, and de-greased until it resembles its original condition.
                • The Exterior Keep your restaurant looking inviting and prevent future damage by having dirt and grease build up steam and pressure washed from your parking lot, dumpster area, sidewalks, roof, and building exterior.
                The cost is going to depend on which services you choose and the size of your restaurant. For a free quote from APS-Hoods, click here.

                The cost of neglecting the deep cleaning of the restaurant kitchen

                Fire Hazard

                If you have exhaust hoods and fans in your kitchen that have dust or grease build up, that is a severe fire hazard. You may be able to reach some of the gunk yourself. However, there is even more up in the ductwork or in the fans on the roof that is hard to get to and easy to forget about, since you can’t see it. But just because you can’t see grease and dust, doesn’t mean that it isn’t a danger. This report by the National Fire Protection Association lists “Failure to Clean” as the top cause of fires in eating and drinking establishments. That means that the leading cause, 22%, of fires in restaurants was avoidable. Lower Inspection Grades and Higher Inspection Fees Inspectors are trained to find the violations that most people wouldn’t think about. They are there to make sure that buildings are safe and not a health hazard. A simple oversight can cost hundreds of dollars in fees as well as a lower grade, which might turn off some customers.

                Customer Perception

                No one likes to be in a dirty place, but especially when they are eating. A customer perception and word of mouth are vital to a business’s reputation and profitability. If a customer sees that a place doesn’t look clean, they will not want to eat there and are likely to warn the people they know as well.

                Employee Satisfaction

                Just like no one wants to eat somewhere that doesn’t look clean, no one wants to work in a dirty kitchen either. If it gets bad enough, they might seek employment elsewhere. You will then have to replace them and spend the time and money training someone else. Not only that, but you want to have a safe environment for your employees. A satisfied employee is a more productive employee.

                The Bottom Line

                So is it worth it to spend the money and hours of downtime for professional cleaners? Doing it yourself will cost employee hours and stress. Plus, the end result is likely to not be enough. Your employees likely don’t have the experience or the tools to get the job done properly, much less the time. And is it worth the risk of customer perception, inspection fees, and fire hazards? On the other hand, having professionals come in and do a deep, thorough cleaning will eliminate any of the downsides of not having it done well. Furthermore, cleaning will take less time because professionals are trained for this specifically and they have the proper tools to get the job done well. Plus, APS-Hoods guarantees your satisfaction. It will likely save you money in the long run and will give you peace of mind. For more information about cleaning services and Restaurant Kitchen Deep Clean, contact APS-Hoods for a free estimate at (800) 750-7313 in Denver Colorado, and elsewhere around the country. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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                  Restaurant Kitchen Deep Clean
                  Vent Hood Cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                  Signs Your Vent Hood Fans Need Cleaning and/or Replacement

                  Source Denver, CO – Vent Hood Cleaning Services Most restaurant owners understand the importance of engaging in a regular commercial kitchen cleaning schedule. Keeping cooktops and food preparation areas spotless is crucial for hygiene reasons, but it’s equally as important to ensure that kitchen hood fans and filters remain just as clean. Here’s why. Grease and dust can build up in range hood fans and filters quickly, posing a potential fire hazard. Grease is highly combustible, so the risk of it catching alight and sparking a kitchen fire are increased if the residue build-up isn’t removed regularly. The kitchen’s hood and ventilation system provide a layer of protection in eliminating air contaminants and odors caused by cooking. So it’s essential the filters and fans are not just cleaned and maintained regularly so they operate effectively; they also need to be cleaned properly, ideally by a professional hood services company, to minimize health and safety risks. However, even with regular maintenance, there are times when a hood fan or filter will need to be replaced completely. Some signs to look for that could indicate a hood fan or filter may need to be replaced include:
                  • You notice damage on the filter during a routine cleaning
                  • The vent fan no longer draws smoke or cooking smells out of the kitchen as effectively
                  • The exhaust fan makes unusual sounds or stops turning completely
                  The risk of an exhaust fan failing during operating hours could be devastating to any commercial kitchen operation. The risk of fire is dramatically increased, but there is also the problem of filling the kitchen and dining area with smoke. The specialists at APS-Hoods recommend creating a scheduled routine for cleaning, maintaining and replacing hood filters in every commercial kitchen. The actual length of time between each deep clean, service and replacement will vary, depending on the condition of the individual range hood. A ventilation hood over a busy restaurant kitchen may have filters that need to be replaced every six to eight months. However, that timeframe may shorten if the range hood, duct work and fan are not cleaned and maintained regularly. The majority of commercial kitchen owners simply don’t have the available staff or resources to undertake such a detailed task. In fact, most eateries need their staff to focus on what they do best – cooking great meals and serving satisfied customers. The easiest and most effective way to ensure that any kitchen’s hood, exhaust and ventilation system is operating at its best is to book a complete hood service and duct cleaning. Appointing a professional company to take care of the cleaning allows you to keep your staff focused on their jobs. You also have the peace of mind that the job is done properly and any faulty or damaged parts can be repaired or replaced quickly. To learn more about cleaning the filters in a commercial kitchen, contact Aps-Hoods for a free estimate by calling (800) 750-7313. About Aps-Hoods: Aps-Hoods specializes in services such as complete kitchen cleaning, Vent Hood Cleaning, hood installation, and fire protection services in Denver, Cheyenne, as well as across Colorado, and Wyoming. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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