Makeup Air and The Importance in Commercial Kitchens | Denver, CO

Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.
Negative Air Pressure
If the exhaust fan was not installed/incorrectly installed, or simply, if the makeup air from the fans is not enough to replace the air exiting from the stove area, negative air pressure can occur. Negative air pressure creates a sort of vacuum in your space, where windows and doors can shut suddenly, dust particles can settle fast onto surfaces or food, and whistle-like noises can also persist when air is let out or into space. These are very undesirable conditions for a dining or cooking area because of hygiene reasons as well as the disruption of ambiance this can create.Draft-back
With negative air pressure sucking everything back into your space, the gasses that are supposed to be going out from your chimney will actually come back in, creating a health hazard. This can set off carbon monoxide detectors and threaten the safety of your patrons and employees.Inefficiencies in Hoods
The exhaust hood, unaided by the sufficient amount of make-up air, will–in turn–not be able to process the amount of air it was designed to handle. Over time, you will notice a buildup of grease and grime on your kitchen surfaces. Also, unpleasant cooking and other smells will seep into all the space pockets of your building, including the dining areas, where patrons are trying to enjoy their food!Higher Energy Expenditures
Insufficient replacement air in your kitchen will encourage the air from outside to be absorbed inside. This ends up throwing the heating and cooling conditions out of balance when your heater or air conditioner tries to counteract the problem. Your establishment will probably run too hot or too cold at all times, causing freezing or condensation and never really achieving a comfortable state. You, as the restaurant owner will only get a higher energy bill and a big headache trying to figure a way to finally stop this air imbalance problem. However, the problem is one for the professionals with a good diagnostic system that needs to be applied in a customized manner to every restaurant space with the care each one deserves. For help with replacement Makeup Air in your Denver-area commercial kitchen, contact APS Hoods today. © 2018 Millionairium and Farazandeh. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.Contact Us

Tags: all restaurant cleaning, Commercial Kitchen, Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning, commercial kitchens, exhaust system cleaning, hood cleaning denver, HVAC, kitchen equipment cleaning, Makeup Air